Almost every Second welcomes a poll suggests that a more stringent approach to breaches of the Corona-rules. For 46 percent of the current penalties for non-compliance do not go all in all in far enough, as the on Thursday released survey by Infratest dimap for the ARD”Germany trend” in the order of “the issues of the day” showed. 36 percent think the penalties are sufficient, eleven percent for to a large extent.

Several provinces have recently announced stricter penalties for Corona violations. Currently, different penalties apply depending on the state. Also, the controls differ depending on the Federal state. 53 per cent of the “Germany trend”, respondents indicated the existing controls to comply with the Corona-measures do not go far enough. 35% considered it sufficient. Seven percent for to a large extent.

from infection with the Coronavirus, the majority of Germans has, according to the survey, still less to Worry about. 71 percent worry that they or family members could become infected, less large or small. The are, however, four percentage points less than at the end of June. At 28 percent, this is a concern, however, is very large, or large (plus four points).

the survey also showed that abuts a mask is compulsory in schools, the majority of on the consent. 59 percent are not in favour, therefore, a duty to Wear the mouth-nose protection in the school building and on the schoolyard but in the classroom. 24 percent of the respondents are of the opinion, the mask obligation should also apply during the lesson. Opposed to the principle of a mask is compulsory in schools was 13 percent.

93 per cent in favour of compulsory tests for travellers returning

the mandatory testing for travel returnees puffs according to the “Germany trend” to great approval. 93 per cent are in favour of the new mandatory Testing, seven percent oppose it. The mandatory Testing will apply to returnees from high-risk areas as of Saturday, as Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) announced on Thursday in Berlin. That’s not the return people, but the state will assume the costs for the mandatory tests, we see a majority of Germans, however, critical: 57% believe the cost of acquisition by the state is wrong. 39 percent, you can find the right one.

the fear of the loss of their own workplace has increased, according to the survey. So one out of every five workers (20 percent) currently has a very great or great concern about losing his job. The concern for the own work is falling into the different income classes is very different: In the case of the employed have a monthly household net income less than 1500 euros, two-thirds (66 percent) of very large or of great concern to your Job. In the case of those with a monthly household net income of more than 3500 euros, which is true according to “Germany trend” only six percent.