It is not just anyone, the accusations of long-standing and commercial bribery will be made. The 53-year-old state attorney, Alexander B. was press spokesman of the General Prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt, he was head of the Department of medical criminal law. He gave lectures on corruption, such as the medical Congress, was well connected and respected. The area of medical criminal law, he has built since 2009, he was responsible for him.

Timo Steppat

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

He was looking for false Billings of Doctors, revealed their Attempts to enrich themselves. And because he knew so exactly how corruption works, he knew exactly how to trick the System. He had changed”, so to speak, the sides”, said the Hessian Minister of justice, Eva Kühne-Hörmann (CDU) on Thursday in the Committee on legal Affairs of the Landtag. You spoke of an “unprecedented case”, which could hurt confidence in the rule of law and justice, praising the work of the prosecutors, were working undercover for nearly a year.

b. should have a total of 240,000 euros, enriched

in 2005, Alexander B. with a former school friend, a company founded that advised, among other things, the justice. You created reports in medical criminal law cases. According to the investigators, 90 percent of the income of the Frankfurt General Prosecutor’s office came. B. s school friend was the managing Director of the company and opened an account, the bribe money flowed, the B. for to have, he commissioned the company, he was involved in. For the account there was a debit card, no Name. B. lifted by 200, 2000 Euro, average of 4000 euros a month. In the period from 2015 to 2020, more than 240,000 euros. In addition, he is said to have from another company that specialized in data analysis and also for the General Prosecutor’s office reports created, more 66000 euros in cash.

the indicator is a former partner of the lawyers led to an initial suspicion. To the load zeal of a former partner to exclude, examined the allegations in the Frankfurt public Prosecutor’s office very carefully. It movement profiles, financial movements checked. Early on, they put the head of the office of the Prosecutor General in regard to. Late B. popped up as a suspect in the administrative system of the judiciary. He should catch on anything and possibly destroy evidence.

On 22. July the district court of Frankfurt issued a warrant for urgent Tatverdachts, the next day, he was arrested and is now sitting due to the risk of collusion in pre-trial detention. According to the Frankfurt Prosecutor’s office “is currently determined against five Accused persons”. Not only should your company be involved in suggesting further investigations. Attorney Michael Loer does not lock during the meeting that there could soon be other Accused, refused to comment but sources close to the investigation tactical reasons.

The concerned Department of the General Prosecutor’s office will be dissolved

to close, As one of five emergency measures, Kuehne announced-Hörmann in the Committee on legal Affairs, the Department of medical criminal law. 5330 identification procedures were conducted, of which 300 are still open and other Places are distributed. A working group will elaborate on how the authority should, in future, work in this area. Payments to the consulting firm, the Accused B. is involved, should not be done, further orders will not be issued. The Four-eyes-principle in the award of the appraiser, orders should be unified in the Hessian justice. In many prosecutors ‘ offices, it is true, but not in the General Prosecutor’s office. An office of internal audit is to be created in the Ministry of justice, to unify the control mechanisms and corruption is to identify susceptible areas. In addition, Kühne-Hörmann announced a new corruption policy.