parts of the insolvent financial services provider Wirecard to get to the alleged billion fraud for the first time a works Council. The employees of a total of three Wirecard companies want to usher in for the middle of the month the works Council elections, how the services Union Verdi announced on Thursday. First choice meetings are to be held, to which an electoral Board is elected. This should then keep according to Verdi “as quickly as possible” the works Council elections.

It is, according to Verdi, the subsidiaries Wirecard Bank, Wirecard Service Technologies, and Wirecard, Acceptance Technologies. “We have asked the business lines to invite the employees immediately election meetings,” said the company in the Bavarian town of Aschheim, a competent trade-Union Secretary Tina Scholze.

The election to the works Council was possible for as long as the insolvent company was. The works Council could then set up in the course of possible plant closures and social plans and interests of the employees represented, said Scholze. So far, there is none of the Wirecard companies with a works Council, unlike most of the other Dax companies.