Only a government aid package of 9 billion euros for Lufthansa – the threat of thousands of layoffs by the group. It was expectable, that this sequence leads to more biting criticism. State support-and redundancies do not fit on the first look right together. However, the crisis demands sacrifices from all parties Involved. The taxpayer must accept that the state is not sufficient billion, which flow only in a couple of years back. The Management of the group takes losses, some executives will lose their Posts. The Lufthansa shareholders, only to accept grudgingly that their investment is worth less. Therefore, it is expected of the employees to make a restoration contribution, to secure a majority of the sites.

For trade unions in the precarious position of the group and of the aviation is the same as for Lufthansa-a major shareholder Heinz Hermann Thiele. The would be tested contrary to the biggest misunderstanding, if he had torpedoed because of its – sometimes unjustified – criticism to the rescue of the group. Unions would also have to reckon with such an Echo, if you – go in spite of all the impositions, all – too-researchers in crisis bargaining, and a solution to prevent it.

a Lot of lean yield

A major shortcoming of the government rescue package was that too much time passed, until it was laced. Now way to take it is regrettable that the collective calls on the same course. In the process, all parties Involved must be clear that for the group that ran last verb of 550 million euros in the month, not endless time. Reminder: The shareholders ‘ meeting, which approved the state aid package was agreed. Six weeks ago! It any safe conclusion, only with the once-especially militant flight attendants ‘ Union Ufo, there is a result of negotiations, the need to approve the employees but is still missing until today. A very meager yield.