The order books of German industry to fill after the end of the hard Corona of the restrictions in record speed. The orders rose in June to 27.9 percent compared to the previous month, as the Federal economy, announced the Ministry on Thursday.

Previously surveyed economists had expected only with an increase of 10.1 percent. In may there had been an increase of 10.4 percent, which was followed, however, to a drop of 26.1 per cent in April.

The rest come from “a big step”, – stressed the Ministry of the. The orders have now reached a level of 90.7 percent of the orders before the outbreak of the pandemic in the fourth quarter of 2019. “However, the orders from abroad are lagging behind the development in the country”, said the Ministry. “This shows why the recovery process is slower will proceed.”

Less short-time work

The orders from Germany climbed in June to 35.3 percent, from abroad to 22.0 percent. The orders grew out of the European monetary Union by 22.3 percent, from the rest of the abroad, up 21.7 percent.

The German economic performance had decreased as a result of the pandemic in the second quarter at a record pace: The gross domestic product fell by more than 10 percent compared to the previous quarter. For the current summer quarter, most experts expect but with a revival.

“Since the order-to-break-in went fast,” said Bastian Hepperle, an Economist from the Central Bank: “but There is still a rocky road up to the summit. The Corona-crisis is not yet overcome, so that economic uncertainties remain high and the risks are.“ Many companies will be fighting, in his view, in coming months to Survive, because corona-induced loss of Sales will not be made up for, and it will remain without further state aid payments difficult. “In addition, the global environment remains difficult.”

Ralph Solveen, economic expert of Commerzbank, commented: “This reinforces the expectation that the German economy growing in the third quarter after the slump in the second quarter.” Jens-Oliver Niklasch of LBBW expressed even more confident: “oops! Now, the economic race to catch up, get some powerful momentum. The value was well above expectations, that one can speak of a real breakthrough.“ Of course, the usual caveats with respect to a second lock-downs apply, “but that number really makes courage for the economy in the second half of the year”.

“peak exceeded”

The number of workers on short time is, meanwhile, a survey by the Ifo Institute, according to in July decreased noticeably, although not in all sectors. She went back to 5.6 million, such as the Munich-based researchers on the Basis of a survey among the companies assessed. In June, there were still 6.7 million, in may even 7.3 million.

The share of short-time workers to the employees subject to social security decreased from 20 to 17 percent. “The decline has accelerated overall, but in some industries, short-time work is still increasing,” said Ifo-labour market expert Sebastian Link.

the number to put in the machine, from 354.000 on 378.000. In the electrical industry there was a rise of 11,000 on 271.000.