Exactly where is the most famous street of West end hits on one of the busiest routes of the city, is located in the sedan space. As he was yet but barely noticeable, rather than an oversized traffic island and a giant dog toilet. Because here in the Bismarck-ring swivels shortly after the confluence of the corrugated Ritz road in the direction of Taunusstein and Bad Schwalbach. The green of tall trees shaded the middle between the lanes of the first ring of power currently, as a “Kiezgarten” Furore. It is an unusual place for an unusual, born of necessity, the Initiative of four of the Wiesbaden-based restaurateurs, the Local are all in the immediate environment.

Oliver Bock

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung for the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis and Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The Bar “Heaven” with its large hall for events, the home-style Schoppenhof, the still-young wine bar “Riesling in the Hindu Kush” and the restaurant “Locally” hit by the Lockdown in mid-March, equally hard. All of the work and applied for state assistance went to 100 percent Short.

Barchefin Linda Zimmermann would have celebrated your “Heaven” in September, the five-year anniversary, but nothing will come of it because of Corona limitations. Meanwhile, it has at least the Confidence that the “Heaven” could also survive thanks to the beer garden to the crisis. Without short-time work and emergency aid, it would be for all of them already in the first weeks of tight. However, since the Restaurants were allowed to reopen, there is also hope. For Zimmermann, the restart proved to be especially difficult, because due to a construction site directly in front of the “Heaven”door is currently no outdoor Seating is possible.

Then Corona

But compared to the green island sedan is space. The city has already for a long time, the intention of the court in the course of their program, “streams to light” through the uncovering of a small portion of the boiler, Bach’s upgrade and the almost 1000 square-meter Area between the lanes of the Bismarck open ring, at least on a small part of it permanently for a gastronomic use.

To 2019 for more than 200,000 Euro should be a 20-Meter-long “water table” to be built. But the project is delayed again and again. This year there was, therefore, the Plan for the interim use of a fixed side strip gastronomically release, as has also been once for a beer and wine garden of the case.

Then the Corona came from. The four restaurateurs got together and not only that. They took the city’s word for it, to help the local caterers wherever possible. A authorities appointment was organized, and a quick agreement was reached. The Quartet founded a special company to operate the “Kiezgarten” baptized entire place professionally and together for their mutual Benefit. Since mid-June, it is so far, and the sedan space has developed into a sought after meeting place in the Westend.

login via QR Code Scan

Who visit the “Kiezgarten” wants to, but should be assigned to have a Smartphone at the ready, to via QR-Code Scanning to log in, and then he receives at the input a of around 50 the beer garden trimmings as place. Wine, beer, and more at the concession stand, the food, the guest can order by phone from the menu in one of the three participating dining restaurants, and pick it up there. Is not reserved, at 21.30, the last order will be accepted.