Association representatives and other officials, Minister of culture, for example, have it in pandemic times is not easy. Constantly all around tugging from all sides on them, the virologists, the parties, the schools, the conspiracy theorists, judges, social scientists – and there are decisions you still have to make it all right, and yet somehow determined look.

Mark Siemons

feuilleton correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

so What to do if, for example, now in the first of the länder, the school starts again? Rule one: waterproof formulations, which protect all of those Involved for all cases. As a watertight, have proven so far: We must always be very careful, and the infection is done to keep in view; the student must now be given access to education; very important is a well thought out hygiene concept, or even is an “optimal hygiene” concept (Helge Braun of the Federal Chancellery).

And what are the results then in the total? The Minister of culture decided to “return to the school operation,” as that is, in the characteristic language of the Responsible for their education, and at the same time, “strict adherence to infection protection and hygiene measures” called. With the necessary Rigour, the Minister of Dunning: “the collecting container for disposable towels must be provided”, likewise, is sufficiently liquid soap dispenser, in addition, all of the 45 minutes was a “shock-ventilation or cross-ventilation to make”.

No mask duty in the classroom?

Behind so much care in the Detail of the crucial sentence is obscured then almost anything: “The teaching operation can be eliminated, compliance with the Minimum distance.” An almost subversive in The corner and the focal point of all pandemic plans, keeping Distance, at the Robert-Koch-President, all of the Individuals, families and businesses pay in the face of rising Infection only now re-sworn in, which should not apply where, due to compulsory education the state has the responsibility, so strictly it is taken, because the schools no Discretion should remain, prohibited. And by a “mask is mandatory” is being said in many places, but there, of all places, where they are most needed, in a closed class room, should you apply almost nowhere.