We have now August. So the summer is slowly coming to an end. More and more people come back from your vacation. The more the are, the more restless I will be, to be honest. I see pictures from Spain, from other Parts of Europe, Turkey and Egypt. People throng to the beaches, often dense, and also in the towns of lively operation. There, the Locals and the tourists without a stroll through the streets, some with masks, some. Keep your distance, and the Wearing of masks seem to disturb the holiday feeling.

really queasy me, when I see the Party on the beaches. A large amount of young adults celebrating without distance and with any amount of alcohol and wild parties. Under normal circumstances, this can be a man in my age of course, but we are not living in normal times. We are living in a pandemic.

travel ban for 16 – to 26-Year-old

to do in my practice, I have been using holiday returnees. Two of my patients were on the Wörthersee. At the Moment, a Corona-Hotspot, because young people have celebrated in their homes. My patients have felt a cold, we have carried out Tests, both were negative. So that was all right this time.

Overall, but new infections are rising in Germany again. You can call now, as you want, but in my opinion we are at the beginning of a second wave. And really, the concept is missing to me still, how we deal with it. We have in-house doctors will now test in NRW, all 200,000 day – care centre and school staff, and to every 14 days, and also the holiday returnees. I have considerable doubt as to whether the to create to and our health care system so clearly is.