For years, the political leadership of Lebanon was the danger known, the of the huge quantities of ammonium nitrate that had been in storage at the port of Beirut. That you ignored the risks, nevertheless, only prolongs the long list of your careless and irresponsible way of dealing with the health of the population. This had set the Ruling already on the game, as they did at the end of the civil war, the country against good money for the toxic waste dump in Europe, and well deserved. Finally, the huge garbage became mountains in the streets of Lebanon, the Symbol of the failure of the state.

The tragedy of Tuesday talks is a damning indictment of the political class of Lebanon – and it stands for the Failure of the old, according to the denominations, up country divided. Only a few families, mostly old political dynasties, to plunder the country, not without a portion of your wealth to your clientele to pass on. As in October became apparent that Lebanon is facing bankruptcy and the living conditions of ordinary Lebanese began to deteriorate dramatically rose, especially the youth, against the broken and corrupt representatives.

The protesters demanded a fresh start, and could not be longer with Mar be satisfied that the distribution of all Items would bring to a denominational key to the Lebanon in a war-and conflict-torn Region of stability. The New to their protests was that the protesters understood as Lebanese patriots, not as members of a religious community identified.