A huge investment backlog at risk the state’s promotional Bank KfW, according to the digitalisation of schools. He had risen to € 44.2 billion, and spent 1.4 billion higher than in 2018, it is clear from the study published on Wednesday. Although the communities wanted the last plug in 9.8 billion euros in the schools and, therefore, twice as much as in 2015, would not keep their plans with the growing demand.

The reasons for the increasing investment, especially the additional Expansion by legal requirements and rising Standards are required in addition to a regional unequal development of the student numbers. Necessary repairs to old buildings and limited capacity in construction industry and management it difficult for the municipalities to take on new school construction projects in attack.

Since the Corona-recession eroded the revenue of the municipalities and the expenditure to increase at the same time, threatened the financial leeway of the municipalities, to narrow it down by the crisis. “The Corona-crisis could be a sad turning point in the positive development of the municipal investment in the education sector and for the school infrastructure to a long-lasting, strain sample,” said KfW chief economist Fritzi Köhler-Geib. “Lack of financial resources are a risk for the necessary thrust, the digitization of schools.” Therefore, it is important to strengthen the planning and investment capacity of the municipalities in times of Corona. “This is an important contribution to a well-functioning school infrastructure in Germany,” said the Economist.