North Rhine-Westphalia wants to Railways in the case of violations of the mask mandatory in buses, trams or street immediately in the future a fine of 150 euros will be imposed. The North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of transport, Hendrik Wüst (CDU) said the “Rheinische Post”: “in the Meantime, everybody should have understood, that in all, a mask is mandatory. Therefore, it is quite clear: anyone Who is caught without a mouth-nose protection, you must get out at the next stop and pay.“ Wüst, announced: “We want a tightening, so that immediately at the first violation of the mask of duty, a fine of 150 Euro is due.”

The escalation should occur with a Revision of the North Rhine-Westphalian corona protection regulation in the middle of next week, said a Ministry spokesman. It applied to all trains, even long-distance trains in North Rhine-Westphalia.

so Far, fines in North Rhine-collected-Westphalia only, if passengers refuse, in spite of a corresponding request further, the mask. This admonition is to be eliminated. Wüst said that they wanted to “not have a long discussion with mask-muffles”. The solidarity with the weakest members of society. “The small discomfort of wearing the mask, preventing a possible disaster.”

lower Saxony Also would like to collect for violations of the mask mandatory in buses and trains einBußgeldvon 150 Euro. A new version of the fine catalogue that provides for mask violations of the significantly higher penalties, to be submitted soon, said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of social Affairs in Hannover on Wednesday. So far, the catalogue of fines for mask objectors in lower Saxony 20 Euro penalty, the specific amount is at the discretion of the local authorities.

The harder line to people who carry in public transport, not a mask, is chosen in lower Saxony against the Background of rising again, the Corona-Infection. “We have a slightly increased volume compared to previous weeks,” said Department spokeswoman Stefanie Geisler. In average about 50 people per day will found in lower Saxony, currently a Corona infection, on Wednesday, there were 46 documented infections.

a fine-height inSchleswig-Holstein is not defined

Schleswig-Holstein also wants to introduce fines for mask objectors in buses and trains. “We find the idea good,” said the Prime Minister, Daniel Günther (CDU) on Wednesday in Kiel. Such a scheme should also be in the state of Schleswig-Holstein set.

In Schleswig-Holstein has not agreed to the state government on the amount of the fine. The North Rhine-Westphalia, planned for 150 Euro are likely to be the upper limit, it said. The country also announced to relax the Corona-protection measures for the time being. The Situation in Schleswig-Holstein was not a matter of concern, said Günther. He pointed, but at least two-digit Numbers in the daily new infections. “Corona is not going away.” Now is the time for more easing was not.