The American President Donald Trump around waving its leaves and would not be convincing. “The deaths are greatly diminished,” he said to the journalist Jonathan Swan and argued that it was necessary to measure the Coronavirus-related deaths in America in the number of infections in the population. Trump had brought in on Monday evening with their own statistics to a Gesprächbei “Axios on HBO”, a cooperation of a political magazine with the pay-TV broadcaster HBO.

The Interview brought trump f the house of peace. He tried to save himself in his usual charge: “you report the not right!” He is also the assertion that it is the number of Tests was, the let the United States look so bad Holte – you could certainly test also “too much”.

Since the beginning of the pandemic of 153,000 people in the United States have died from the effects of the Coronavirus, to 4.74 million have tested positive. On Tuesday, it was the ninth Time in a row, the one thousand Covid-Dead of the day. The Numbers have risen again since then, many States opened their economy. In April up to 2700 patients were at times in a day as a result of Covid-19 died. The care of the sick was therefore better now, my many observers. But in the whole country there are Hotspots, where the situation is as bad as in New York at the beginning of the pandemic. Georgia, Oklahoma and Ohio is about to experience a Contagion Plateau at a high level, while in Idaho or Arkansas, the number of hospital admissions with Covid-19 is constantly increasing.

A Situation “like in a horror movie”

Uninsured persons and Insured persons about the poor supply of Medicaid, are dependent on public hospitals because the private do not take in the rule. There where a lot of people with low incomes, the risk of death, according to the industry journal “Health Affairs” is still the highest. Accordingly, 49 percent of the municipalities with the lowest average income beds have no local intensive, while only three percent of the municipalities with the highest average income.

In the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, for example, 1.3 million people, but there is no publicly funded intensive care beds. There, Starr County, where a carer of a 45-beds in a hospital, loading of the Coronavirus patients are often only in helicopters, and in other districts can send. The “New York Times” reported this week by overwhelmed Doctors and quoted a patient who described the Situation “like a horror movie”.

Now, many other congregations are experiencing what New York in March and April by made. Even if the crisis management of the city and the state was praised in comparison with Trumps behavior often, there were a number of avoidable errors. In a report, the founder noted urban financial officer Scott Stringer recently that the public hospitals have been prepared on the basis of cost – saving measures with an inadequate response to the pandemic, the cost of human life.