The shares of Apple have gained, in spite of the Corona-crisis this year, almost 50 percent of its value. The recent record run, you have crowned with the title of the most expensive publicly-traded company in the world. The market value of the iPhone manufacturer is now just under 1.9 trillion dollars before the saudi Arabian Oil company Saudi Aramco, which comes on a market capitalization of almost $ 1.8 trillion.

Apple — — (–) NASDAQ London trade gate Xetra, Frankfurt, lang & Schwarz, Stuttgart, Switzerland, Switzerland, Vienna, Switzerland, 1T 1W 3M 1J 3J 5J For detail view

Markus Frühauf

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The record-setting Rally in shares of Apple had taken in the past few days, again, with a gain of 14 per cent on travel, after the group had reported in the previous week, surprisingly good quarter. The company is currently immune to the Corona-crisis. Among other things, the iPhone business was much better than many market observers expected.

America’s Tech companies top

Apple benefits from the latest developments in the technology sector. The pandemic has strengthened the market positions of the largest industry company in the world, with strong balance sheets and grow, thanks to the accelerated shift to digital services quickly. Three to six of the most valuable shares are held in the squares companies of four American technology stocks: Microsoft, with $ 1.6 trillion, and Amazon, with $ 1.5 trillion, the Google group Alphabet with 999 billion dollars, and Facebook with 712 billion dollars.

The share price of Amazon in the current year to 69 percent, of Microsoft’s 35 percent. The share of the Chinese technology company Tencent can keep up with a plus of 49 per cent. However, the title of Saudi Aramco, have lost 6 percent of its value. The global economic downturn due to the Corona pandemic suppressed demand and Oil prices.

From its state-owned Oil company has placed Saudi Arabia in December 2019, with a share of only around 1.5 per cent on the stock exchange in Riyadh. In the case of Apple, it’s 95 percent, and in the case of Microsoft almost 99 percent.