The Academy of arts in Berlin must be careful not to that you my end-time spirit is to be a closed institution of the superficial then. Been there a few months ago with a flimsy justification has been canceled an event on the exchange of letters between Ernst Jünger and the Jewish historian Joseph Wulf. You feared to the very front of the Karma of the German charming writer, than you would have thought the fact that you also stated the man to discipleship, a lifetime of the academic world ignored the Auschwitz Survivors, the crashed in 1974 from his apartment in Berlin-Charlottenburg in the death, to the person.

Now the Academy is gone with a Letter to the Public, in which they protested against the appropriation of Walter Benjamin by the French right. The background is a memorial of a political dispute that was raging in France, after the right-wing populist politician, Louis Aliot, a former live-in partner of Marine Le Pen, announced after his election as mayor in Perpignan, the “Centre d’art Contemporain Walter Benjamin broke open” as a remembrance of flight and expulsion and to refer to those philosophers, in the nearby border town of Portbou on the night of 27.September 1940, when attempting to get over the Pyrenees to Spain, which took the life.

A Moment please

well-known French intellectuals such as Etienne Balibar and Jean-Luc Nancy pleaded with the country’s usual Pathos to protect Benjamin “from the hands of all those which the history of ink to rewrite the oppressors of yesterday, while you stigmatize today, foreigners and migrants, by all means”. The Berlin Academy, in whose custody a large part of Benjamin’s estate is located on includes, now, and it sets a rhetorical one: “We can’t let that memory is instrumentalized to Walter Benjamin subsequently, in order to legitimize rights policy”, the Academy President, Jeanine meerapfel, “the coming of a new desecration and persecution of his Person.” One Moment, please, how was that? “This is a new desecration and persecution of his Person.” That is likely to be very unpleasant, but democratically elected politicians neurechter ethos holds the name of Walter Benjamin for the honor value is comparable with the cruel policy of extermination, before Benjamin fled.