The United States, a downgrade of the credit rating is imminent. The credit rating Agency Fitch has lowered on the weekend, the Outlook for the U.S. credit rating from “stable” to “negative”. So far, the United States in the case of Fitch, the highest Rating of “AAA”. With the poorer Outlook for the credit controller to respond to the continuing deterioration in the public finances, as well as the Lack of a credible fiscal consolidation program, trusted.

Markus Frühauf

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Due to the tax cuts by President Donald Trump, budget deficits and state debts in the past years, already swollen. Now, these will increase as a result of the relief measures in the Wake of the Corona-crisis. The Fitch analysts increasingly fear that the decision-makers consolidate in Washington after the end of the Corona-crisis, the public finances sufficiently.

continuation of the political Blockade

Because after the presidential elections in November, they expect a continuation of the political stalemate, because neither Republicans nor Democrats are likely to reach a clear majority in the Senate. Fitch expected in 2021, a rise in American government debt up to 130 percent of the economic output (gross domestic product; GDP). Even before the crisis, the United States had the highest national debt a “AAA”country.