In our planetary system, everything revolves around you: The sun lights up durable and strong. In the summer we feel it even more intensely, in the sea, we feel ourselves safe from it. What is it?

ASSERTION: In the water you will not get a sunburn.

RATING: False.

the FACTS: a Meter under the surface of the water to UV-radiation hits the body. According to experts, 80 percent of the long-wave UVA get there-rays for premature skin aging and formation of wrinkles of worries. Of the short-wave UVB radiation, which typically sunburn causes, it is 50 percent. The dangerous rays do not reach the skin at all, you have to dive deeper. “At least two meters,” explains dermatologist Reinhard Mrotzek.

Who swims with the head above the waves, you should even watch twice. Like a mirror the surface of the water amplifies the UV radiation to 50 percent. Medical institutions such as the British National Health Service (NHS) warn against the dangerous combination of sun and water: the cooling effect you don’t often notice, when the skin is burned. Mrotzek recommends intensive Lotion with sunscreen, also, a head covering is “a good idea”.

STATEMENT: Also, the Sand reflects the sun.


the FACTS: caution! Not only in water but also on the beach you can get a sunburn. Bright Sand reflecting the light and increase UV radiation by 25 percent, says Mrotzek, member of the professional Association of German dermatologists. Who lay about unprotected in the Sand directly to the water, expose his body to an increased risk. Similar is also true for the visit to a glacier. The snow, the sun radiation increases up to 90 percent.

Who wants to keep his skin from damage, should be avoided in any case, in summer, the blazing midday sun – between 11 and 14 o’clock. Experts advise early Morning or late afternoon Outdoors – especially the water.

Burn the sun is not so strong, if it is cooling?

STATEMENT: After a sunburn, it is a lot of brown.

RATING: False.

the FACTS: “This is absolute nonsense,” says skin doctor Mrotzek. A sunburn is an inflammation of the skin, a first-degree burn or more like. Dermatologists warn in case of unprotected sun exposure before permanent damage. For 2020 are expected to be Mrotzek estimated that a total of 300 000 new skin cancer cases in Germany.

About the UV-Index (UVI) for each Region of the world, how dangerous the sun is for the skin. The world health organization (WHO) has developed the Index with other institutions. The scale ranges from 1 to about 10. The higher the value, the faster a sunburn occurs. In Germany in the summer UVI values of a maximum of 8.