out of nowhere the window shattered panes, shards of glass flying like hail through the air, heavy wooden doors torn from the hinges. In a panic, the people storm into the open, shards of glass crackling under their feet. Disbelieving gazes in the direction of the coast, where red smoke. The footage, which is circulating shortly after the Explosion, could be straight out of a disaster movie out of Hollywood: a column of smoke, then a tremendous Detonation and a pressure wave that sweeps through the streets, cars toppled, buildings crumble, and entire neighborhoods devastated.

Christoph Ehrhardt

a correspondent for the Arab countries, based in Beirut.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Beirut is in shock. The extent of the calamity that is befallen on Tuesday on the Lebanese capital, is too large to be able to believe it. The country has survived a war with Israel, a civil war. But there is something so Apocalyptic, say people who have both experienced, it has not been given yet.

The Governor of Beirut breaks out in front of the cameras in tears. Family members, friends, foreign embassies looking feverishly for Missing.The hospitals can be the flood of the injured in our industry. Their number increases more and more: On Wednesday morning, there are more than 4000. More than 100 people came through the unprecedented Explosion in the Harbor killed, a statement from the Lebanese Red cross.

Fast gloomy rumours. It was an attack, an Israeli air? People want to have seen planes. “Fake News?”, in the army of Deranged on the streets of ask, and shows a supposed message on the mobile phone, through the bombardment of a weapons camp of Iran loyal to the Shia organisation Hizbullah’s making things up. Completely absurd this concern is. Just over a week there has been a skirmish on the border.

at Least no new war

As the chief of the “General safety” on Tuesday evening announced that the disaster was probably caused by the Explosion of explosive Material caused, this sounds almost like a good news. At least no new war. The speech is of 2700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate, a chemical for making fertilizer or explosives that could be exploded. The exact circumstances of the accident is still unclear.

but a toxic cloud that moves over a country that has moved a good bit further to the abyss. And the Prime Minister, Hassan Diab question, how can it be that a highly explosive chemical over the years is stored in the port. “Those responsible will pay the price,” he says in a televised address.

The concern, that could discharge the large internal stresses, is already a longer. The economy is in an unprecedented crisis, impoverishing families. The imploded by a corrupt cartel of Warlords and oligarchs rundown state. It is now the Detonation in the port, which makes the country completely collapse?