The Supreme court of Colombia has asked the former President, Álvaro Uribe Vélez, under house arrest, as he announced on Tuesday. Uribe, between 2002 and 2010 President, are accused of fraud, witness tampering and Procedures. A judgment is not yet; the five judges found, however, that there is enough incriminating Material against the present Senator, the case to continue. During the house arrest that can last up to a year, is a preventive measure, to prevent Intervention by Uribe in the administration of justice. “The deprivation of my freedom saddens me deeply for my wife, for my family and for the Colombians, who still believe that I have done something Good for the Fatherland,” wrote Uribe on Tuesday on Twitter. It is the first Time that the Colombian justice imposed a custodial measure against a former President.

Tjerk Brühwiller

a correspondent for Latin America with headquarters in São Paulo.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The case goes back to the year 2012. At the time, Uribe filed a complaint against the left-wing Senator and political opponents, Iván Cepeda, of which he is accused, with the help of a false witness, a plot of the statements against him are forged. Cepeda had brought Uribe and his brother in connection with the rights of paramilitary groups and the allegation with the testimony of former fighters supported. In 2018, the Supreme court reversed the tables, however, and found that it is not against Cepeda, but against Uribe, because witness tampering is determined needs to be.

The focus is mainly on Uribe’s lawyer, to have influenced a witness in the said case. The Initiative was assumed by the lawyer, claimed Uribe. The investigation against Uribe refers only to the allegation of witness tampering and fraud, but not on the alleged Links to paramilitary groups. Nevertheless, several years in prison Uribe in the event of a conviction. If it ever comes to a process, however, is unclear.

turmoil in Colombia

In Colombia against Uribe imposed the house proposes to arrest high waves. Some see the measure as a proof of the independence of the judiciary. The deprivation of liberty is not only an unprecedented measure against a former President, but against one of the most influential and polarizing leaders of Colombia, which has long been regarded as untouchable. Uribe is the political foster-father of the former President, Juan Manuel Santos, the two warring later – and the current incumbent Iván Duque. As the head of the right-wing conservative party of “Democratic centre” had he used vehemently against the peace negotiations with the “Revolutionary armed forces of Colombia” (Farc). The decision of the Supreme court, it was perceived by many Colombians with satisfaction and in the social networks, as well as on the street to celebrate.

Others expressed their Regret. To them belongs also the Chairman Duque. As a Colombian, it hurts that many of those who have violated the country with barbarism, to defend himself in freedom, or even guaranteed to never go to jail, while Uribe will be denied to defend themselves, under the presumption of innocence in freedom, said Duque in a statement. Duque was referring to a judgment of the Supreme court, which had in the past year, a former Farc commander free, settled later, and with other former Farc fighters again took up arms.