The SPD Chairman, Saskia esque considers a return to the presence of operation in the schools for an Illusion. Also, the suspension of the clearance rules while adhering to a fixed contact groups draws you in doubt. Necessary teaching concepts, “the limit contacts are” demanded esque. Shared lessons such as sports or foreign languages and with different student compositions should in Corona-times are organized differently. “In this Situation it is necessary to restrict the possibilities,” says esque.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

At the same time, you said for more “rights of the Covenant” in the school policy. That the schools would be better, have to do with the federalism reform, the separation between schools and Federal, as well as with the restriction of the countries of brake by the debt. “To change this, but need to be basic legal opportunities have been created.” The Federal government is responsible for equal conditions in the education and training opportunities to produce.

said The Deputy Chairman of the FDP group in the Bundestag Katja Suding: “The state must ensure the schooling of our children and young people. As a rule, operating in the schools must be our ultimate goal.“ Another teaching failure would have catastrophic consequences for the chances of a whole Generation. If the classroom due to a local Infection is not achievable, must be digital Learning from home, without further delays possible. “SPD-Head of Saskia esque should advertise therefore all the more in the Federal government that finally, the resources of the Digitalpakts arrive at the schools,” called for Suding.