Almost two-thirds of all adopted children in Germany are now being adopted by their step-parents, the new spouses are the legal parents. The proportion of step-child adoptions increased in the past ten years by more than ten percentage points, from 52 percent in 2009 to 63 percent in the year 2019.

the Total fell, according to data from the Federal Statistical office in Wiesbaden, the number of adopted children and young people but, almost continuously, from about 8700 in 1993 to 3744 in the past year. Of these, 3385 German and 359 were foreigners, slightly more than half were male (1887), female 1857 children and young people were.

As the Federal Statistical office on Tuesday reported that it has won the step-child adoption, especially for the younger children under the age of three years, becoming more and more important: in 2009, 13 percent of adopted children were adopted in infancy by a stepparent (150 cases), in 2019 this was already at almost half of the 1731 adoptive children under three years of age.