the gate to the sports field, athletes in, coach in, goal, all very quickly and as inconspicuously as possible. Yes seen none. If Thomas Röhler tells of his return to the training facility, then that doesn’t sound oak, according to Conn, to athletes to everyday life. He is on the sports pitches at home, he spends here half of his life. Otherwise, he would have become not throw Olympic champion and European champion in the javelin.

Uwe Marx

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

A world-class athlete, as there are only a few in Germany. But as Röhler after eight weeks, Corona-forced break was in may finally re-open to the sky train, he wanted to make sure that nobody get the wrong idea: that others who see him, not believed that the sports facilities be re-opened for everyone. The was not so, as the Olympic champion in Rio in 2016 and the European champion from Berlin in 2018 and Throw again with the started. Thanks to a special permit.

It was an agonizing time until then, for the 28-year-old exception-thrower from Jena. He had set up in his house a weight room, quite in contrast to earlier Beliefs. Since he was still of the opinion that the Private should remain private and that the training facilities at the Ernst-Abbe-sportfeld in Jena, or at the Olympic base in Erfurt-rich. But spear-throwers want to throw, because the state of the art weight room is no consolation. And it must, in order to remain competitive. Because the feel for your sport and its erratic flight behavior decides on the magnificent 90-metre throws the device or sudden crashes.

Not with Olympic victory

Therefore, it also met the javelin Aesthetes Röhler hard that he and his training group had to wait so long. For too long, as he finds. “The javelin is comparatively Corona-compatible,” he says. “We don’t keep anyway a lot of distance to get in danger.” Because spears alone is danger enough. “And the training group would have to be able to adjust.” Nevertheless, it was a long time made no exception. The gold medals won and the plans for the new season, We have or not: “get a lot for too long, no permission to enter back sport seats,” he says. In Erfurt it was in the end faster so far than in Jena.

In October starts a new season, three or four times, he usually goes to training camp. In may, the first rise in normal years, less than a dozen launchers meetings, which he denies, mostly abroad. About twenty competitions come together in a season. As far as the classic calendar. A first training camp in the Canaries, he has pulled through, a second in Turkey, he had to cancel. He left in a hurry, not in a Corona case to be stuck. The Rest was Waiting and keeping fit. For a world-class athlete is only slightly more pleasant than to be locked up.

at Least the enforced break was not made financially to. Thomas Röhler is one of the of the German sports aid funded athlete, he also has sponsors a handful of. He is finally an Olympic champion. Backed out any. However, no one should think of an economic land of milk and honey, just because an athlete Olympic won gold. “An Olympic victory, it has not in Germany,” he says. “The way is very, very far.” You have created “at most, a base on which you can ride of his life financially best – but this would involve a lot of work, with luck.”