Good Morning!
The Awo Frankfurt is so busy with the past, that at the presentation of the new Board of Directors the theme of “future plans” rather short is covered. Just don’t make announcements that can be not met. Finally, after the affair to Ex-managing Director Jürgen Richter, against the suspicion of infidelity and fraud there is, therefore, the confidence of the 11,000 employees, and the reputation of the welfare Association restore. The new Board has so much to do – and announces that in just a few words. Core message: everything will get better. Steffen Krollmann, since March, the interim Executive Board, and Axel Dornis know that high expectations are placed on you. You look positively in the future, want to stand up for transparency, certainty and clarity. Krollmann is used as a Chairman of the Board, Dornis as chief financial officer, the corporate part of the business.

Marie Lisa Kehler

Deputy Department head of the Regional section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

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the Lack of transparency, you can’t accuse the country of Hessen, however. Every day, more or less on time at 14 o’clock, published by the Ministry of social Affairs on its website for the latest Corona-case numbers. And if you look at the pandemic in the curve, looks fast: the number of cases to rise again. The infection chains usually track well, and thus quickly break. But not in all cases. As has proven particularly in Germany, the search for a “patient 0” as complicated. Anyway, the city currently has the highest incidence value in the state of Hesse. This indicates how many people have been infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the last seven days. In Offenbach, this value is 36. From a value of 35 of the Corona-planning staff of the country switches on. What measures are the Offenbacher will now have to expect, and how will is trying to reduce the number of new infections, about our colleague Jochen writes Remmert.

That Corona and creativity sometimes hang together, proves the Mainzer communication student Lucie Langston. She has processed their isolation experiences in a Comic. And has made it to the New York Times. There is the heading “Art In Isolation” and Langston has sent their type of manner. Two months she has been working on the drawings. Created a sixteen-page Comic that has captured the Corona-spring, the 35-year-old artist in drawings. Why the drawings are intended to be used by therapists to talk to people about their Fears, writes Sascha Zoske. And Yes, take a look at the drawings you can catch also.

F. A. Z.-Newsletter “Hauptwache”

So the day begins in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main: the most Important points in brief, with References to mobile speed cameras, road closures, and restaurants.

Please take notice of our privacy.

And also asked around Florentine Fritzen in the Frankfurt schools, such as the relaxation of Corona-rules to arrive at the school leaders, has questioned the Doctor Christine preiß man-autistic people, what have you learned from the Corona time, hope to employees of the Conti-daughter Vitesco to escape a wave of layoffs but still.

your Marie Lisa Kehler