The production of gasoline and Diesel in German refineries has recovered from the lows as a result of the Corona-crisis to a large extent. The experience of the German petroleum industry Association in Berlin.

Christian Siedenbiedel

editor in the economy.

F. A. Z.

Thus, the production of Diesel in June was already 5.5% above the figure for the previous month. In may, a decrease of 3.3 percent was recorded, in April, a decline of almost 25 percent.

Similarly, if not quite so pronounced, was the development of the petrol: Here is a Minus for June compared to the previous year’s figure of 3.7 percent to determine. In denMonaten had been before, however, here, too, the decline compared with the previous year, a considerably stronger, namely 8.3 percent in may and 22.4 percent in April.

heating oil work

In the case of aviation fuel, however, the need still significantly below previous years, according to the Association. The drop in production in June stood at 67.7 per cent, to 72.9 percent in may to 66.8 percent in April. A special boom have shown, however, for by the crisis, cheap heating oil, and in the middle of the summer. Here, the production in June was 13.5 percent year-on-year, to 91.4 percent in may and 47.2 percent in April.

Because the demand for fuels in the crisis was so low, many Refineries switched over, apparently temporarily on the production of fuel oil. It was because of the cheap prices obviously is still in demand.

Christian kitchens, the chief Executive of the oil industry Federation, said: “the severe and ongoing economic crisis, have made our refineries flexibility.”