Because he is in full splendor in his area, the powerful head tilted slightly. Almost a ton of bull weighs. Not disrespectfully meant: But it shows also, the bison. What colossus for a Forest! “Wow”, to whisper to the two impressed a five year old. The two eight year olds are like in a spell drawn from the herd. “This,” says one of them, “are the Buffalo, as before in the case of the Indians in the Wild West.” And now they are in the wild Hessen? Not quite. The bison, also a European Bison called the life in the wildlife Park Alte Fasanerie in Hanau/Klein-Auheim. As one of the 35 native species, which are kept in large, natural enclosures.

You can hold: A trip there is actually hardly any fail can. Because of the see for parents and children in the midst of a mixed forest much to see and discover. Because there are playgrounds, to the pony rides enough variety, on the pure catch a glimpse of the wild animals.

The Old pheasantry, especially on weekends, definitely not a secret tip for hikers. The mark on the large car Park reveal that it is not only the Hanau forest walkers are attracted, but also families from all over the Rhein-Main child and cone from their cars to load. But in the Park you never have the feeling that you’re standing on each other’s feet. The sheer scale of the terrain already provides with more than 100 hectares, and more than 15 miles of Hiking trails. The Area is flat and mostly shady, which on hot summer days pleasant.

“lynx, come on out. Where are Duuuu?“

tip: For the Small a wheel bring. Because in the Old pheasantry, it’s not like in the Zoo, from one enclosure to the next. The areas for the animals are so vast that there’s always a bit of a walk is necessary. What causes the Small to the Whining. Especially since the lucky runners in the woods, and the wild scouts does not always hold, because the animals have ample opportunity to withdraw and to hide from the visitor look. During our visit on a Sunny Saturday, we have times of happiness: Moose Jule spends the lunch with fence-level Browsing – kids can be amazed from the vicinity of their tremendous height at the shoulder. And a run of bad luck: “lynx, come on out. Where are Duuuu?“

The Big it attracts more then flight to the wolves. The Old pheasantry is home to wolves, in addition to the grey European wolves also Polar. Since in Hanau, Germany, in 2004, with the rearing of this subspecies with the white fur and has experienced the wildlife in the Park a good boost of popularity. Now, one should not expect necessarily to stand eye-to-eye with the supposedly big bad Wolf. But a look at the animals caught during the March along the fence at some point, actually, always. Wherein the polar wolves in the forest, of course, the colour is particularly good to stand out from the background.

luck, needed currently, the two new additions to meet. The brothers with the historically resonant name of Romulus and Remus has taken the end of June, a journey through Hesse. From the wildlife Park Edersee to Klein-Auheim to your adoptive mother, Leyla, and the two other pups adopted immediately and lovingly. The caring mother, the brothers mostly still hidden.

corona due to take place is currently no feedings, which visitors can attend. No animal feed is sold more. A visit to the falconry at the Park (extra entrance fee, is worth it, even if the flight can not take place demonstrations with the dedicated falconers currently.