The art collection of the Federal government is greatly expanded to help artists in the Corona-crisis. State Minister for culture Monika Grütters has extended this year’s Ankaufetat the collection of contemporary art, within the program “reboot the culture” of 2.5 million euros to three million euros. With the money to be in this year, about 150 works of art for the collection purchased. An independent purchase Commission is both art as well as artists directly and in galleries corresponding works choose.

Frank Pergande

Political correspondent of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

The value of a purchased work of art shall not exceed in the rule of 20,000 euros. Direct applications from artists will not be possible. Grütters of the F. A. S. said: “With the short-term increase in the acquisition budget, we enable the art collection of the Federal government’s rapid and effective impetus to the revival of the art production in the current difficult Situation.” Of the wide dispersion of the purchases, especially the smaller galleries are intended to benefit, and by direct purchase in the studios of artists “and support will be encouraged”.

The founded in 1970, contemporary art collection of the Federal government is managed by the state Minister of Culture and care. Normally, half a Million Euro per year is available for this purpose. Between 2012 and 2020, three hundred have been sold for 2.7 million Euro. Suggestions for making an independent purchasing Commission, whose members are appointed by the Federal government Commissioner for culture and the media for five years, they are volunteers.