CSU leader Markus Söder has spoken out in light of the increasing numbers of Corona infections against further easing, and higher fines. “We must expect, therefore, that Corona with full force coming back to us,” said Söder the “picture on Sunday”. The rising case numbers in Germany made him “great concern”. “As the holiday and family returnees coming back from different Parts of Europe,” he added.

The Bavarian Prime Minister warned, “if we are not careful, can cause us a Situation as in March”. Don’t be asked for “absolute vigilance”, therefore “now is the time for a new locker or naive carelessness”. The Virus stay for a long-term task, “which puts us constantly under Stress”.

Many people have become in dealing with the Virus, unfortunately, reckless, said Söder more. This also includes the “extreme Looser and conspiracy theorist who wanted to repeal all the measures as soon as possible module”. Each of the Corona under treasures, had been disproved. The second wave was “practically already there,” said the Bavarian Prime Minister. “You sneaking through Germany. It is, therefore, to be attentive and to respond quickly and consistently. The faster we act, the less the consequences are.“

Full stadiums just “hard to imagine”

Against this Background, Söder football games with spectators refused to the Start of the new season. He doubt that in August a further loosening decided could be. “Mind games Yes, but stadiums with 25,000 spectators, I think, is very difficult to imagine.” That would be the wrong Signal, and to convey to the population, “if you would use up for tons of test of capacity”.

The Deutsche Bahn called on Söder to ensure that the passengers comply with the Mask requirement. Those who comply with them, must bear the consequences. Söder called for higher fines. He had asked the Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) to talk about the train. Also returning from a risk area, the refusal to take part in a Corona Test, should be fined, said Söder: “We need to protect the Reasonable from the Unreasonable.” Would also test capacities not only for a holiday home, but also for the teaching staff and students for the start of School. This series of tests for the elderly and nursing homes, as well as harvest helpers came.

More packages in the fall

For automotive suppliers, the Bavarian Prime Minister in the autumn called for a further rescue package for the automotive suppliers, as well as for the aerospace and mechanical engineering. In addition, the short-time working should be extended to money, said the CSU chief of the “Bild am Sonntag” according to the preliminary report. “I am in favour of extending the regulations to short-time working money until well into next year. That alone does not help but, if there is in certain industries, no more orders. Therefore, we have to put together in the autumn for the automotive suppliers, the aerospace and mechanical engineering a package.“