Adam’s Hotel is no longer here. Or not yet, it’s so easy to be in front of these photographs do not have to decide. As in Anastasia Samoylovas strongest images in any case always remains open, where the photographer draws the eye of the beholder: in the distant past of the American Art Deco or in the near future of those pastel-coloured metropolis, the Miami is. And, it is according to the will of the Governor of Florida, in another 50 years, the Rich, Beautiful, and seniors flock to the Sunny South of the United States. The word “climate change” anyway, he has been banned for all the cases already.

Christoph Schütte

a Freelance writer based in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

But if this helps, the stop global warming? Miami Beach in front of the rising sea levels and the threat of salinisation, from the devastating tropical storm and to save the literal Sinking in marshy terrain? Samoylova, whose current Work can be seen in the Frankfurt gallery, Peter Sillem to logs with a “flood zone” ever doubt. The construction boom continues in Miami, where the 1984 Moscow-born artist living since a few years, in trust to the Coming, obviously, because there Hotels grow here, there are more apartment houses from the ground up. On the one hand.

the signs of The times

But on the other hand, you can see here, the pink Asphalt burst open, eats the mold most picturesque in the concrete and lifts it in front of the related block, the palms of your abgezirkelten discounts. May be, in fact, the city was, how you knew you once, always been used as a backdrop. And, immersed in the in the seventies, specially launched a color palette of “Miami Tropical”, especially for a beautiful Illusion, why you have to almost admire that which is the consequence of this, the city maintains the image of a tourism Paradise in the gradual Sinking. The weed is of the essence, it will crumble and the facades in Miami no Problem. Then you have to simulate the image of the holiday metropolis just as before quite simply. And depends on the signs of the times with Potemkin streets from the computers of the project developer.

What Samoylovas recordings of the past three years show is not but here the expiry and the prospectus. So simple, the artist does not make it at the end. It is the Disappearance of the reality behind the images we have of her. And the punch line is, you are going to stay. You alone, even after the great flood.