drinks offers butchery classes from Temmels to the Moselle, under the name of “Pete and Phil’s”. The products can also be used for cooking, the varieties of Butcher’s Beef, chicken Royal and Beef Bombay. You can provide a quick boost of energy, for example for athletes, or a food alternative for the elderly and the Sick to be. You can buy it in Globus branches.

In the butcher’s shop, a 0.33-Liter can cost bottle 2,80 Euro. The drinks are saturated, such as a whole meal and are, therefore, also for people in stressful Occupations are suitable. According to information from Pete and Phil’s is the first meat-drink of this kind. However, the butcher Lobermeier produce from Notzing in Bavaria, the Scalding juice Smoothie in “power-Bouillon, Orange ginger turmeric”. Peter classes invested in the business idea around 2 million euros. A global Patent was on the Run. He is convinced that the product will be seen in a few years as normal, especially since the ingredients are all natural. “What I can’t understand is, if someone says it’s disgusting.” He was aware, however, that liquid meat would polarize.

butchers process is often only the nobler parts of the animal. Classes is of the opinion that an animal should be fully recovered and not only for its precious parts of the die. The meat for the drinking meal was not quite often, “the consumer buys in the Store”. Sold radicals, for example, before Christmas, can also be recycled.