The American weather service has issued due to an approaching hurricane for the East coast of Florida is a hurricane warning. The hurricane “Isaias”, the lowest strength one should pull from the direction of the Bahamas coming from Saturday evening local time near the East coast of the Federal state over the National hurricane center said. The storm should not be projected directly to the mainland, on the coast, this can lead to tidal waves, Floods, and high wind speeds.

The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, asked the citizens in the affected areas, with water, food and necessary medications for at least seven days of stock. It could also lead to power outages, he warned. DeSantis imposed for the likely to be affected districts on the East coast on Friday evening declared a state of emergency, among other things, to give to the authorities to prepare for the storm of greater powers.

The hurricane should move the forecast up to Saturday on parts of the island chain of the Bahamas and wind gusts of up to 120 kilometres per hour will bring. Off the Florida coast, the storm should turn then to the North-East and weaken over time. On Thursday, Isaias “as a weaker tropical storm in the Caribbean had been” outside the territory of Puerto Rico for the property damage and power outages.