it was As Joachim Stamp (FDP) three years ago, Deputy of the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister, he was allowed to be the resort new put together. The design bears the name of “Ministry for children, family, refugees and Integration”. The free Democrats, it was in the summer of 2017 is important to be able to all kinds of foreigners, legal issues, bundled solutions, which is why he cut the unit out of the CDU-led interior Ministry is out. This Stamp was also in the “immigration Minister”.

Pure Burger

Political correspondent in North Rhine-Westphalia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Since then, he occurs on the one hand, as a liberal migration and integration of politicians, is explicitly committed to the “culture of welcome”. In order to preserve the acceptance of the population and to win political freedom, he demonstrates on the other hand, in dealing with persons without the right to stay, Gefährdern and offenders regularly hardness. In mid-June, 2018 as offenders classified suspected Islamist Sami A. with the Express consent of the Minister for integration, Stamp, was, had, flew, despite a court-deportation ban to Tunisia out.

Now, Stamp has used the case of an Afghan refugee profiling. The 23-year-old Zubyr S., came in 2015, according to Germany, is said to have raped in June, and on Friday a week ago in Dortmund two girls. Although the investigations are not yet complete, could Stamp in the “image”-newspaper quote, with the drastic words: “This vile offender must not be sentenced, but the arrest directly to Afghanistan will be deported. He is allowed to run around in Germany, never more free.“

The judicial system is strange

In the North Rhine-Westphalian justice were included Stamps words with bewilderment. A day later, the Minister expressed differentiated. It should come to a conviction of the alleged offender, will examine the country “to be anything that a foreigner is legally possible” to S. deported directly from the prison, said Stamp to the WDR. “Anyone who enjoys a refugee status and then people in this country is damaging to solid, must be aware of the consequences.”

the judiciary has, in the case of Zubyr S. occasion for critical self-reflection. After tinkering in the investigation into the abuse of complex Bergisch Gladbach – a confessed Pädokrimineller remained on the loose, and went promptly to another child had asked the North Rhine-Westphalian justice Minister Peter Biesenbach (CDU), the public Prosecutor’s offices recently to more care. It is necessary to take the “risk of repetition” as the basis for a detention, “especially in the view”.

is Not a flight risk?

this Is done in the case of Zubyr S.? S. was on 3. July from the detention has been dismissed, because he had a fixed residence in Dortmund, and in the case of a detention review appointment doubts as to the details of his alleged first victim had come. According to the assessment of the court and the Prosecutor’s office was neither escape nor risk of repetition. Three weeks later, drew S. the investigators suggest that, in the Dortmunder North city, a 13-year-old girl in a hallway and raped it. The description of the Offender, the student was so accurate that the Afghan could be taken a few hours later.