A strategy for a drug “double strike” against the new Coronavirus has developed an international group of researchers under the leadership of scientists of the Goethe University. The Team of the biochemist Ivan Dikic discovered that a viral protein called PLpro for the Covid-19-fulfilled excitation two important functions: It allows its propagation and hinders the immune system.

Sascha Zoske

sheet-makers in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

If the Sars-Coronavirus 2 infects a cell, it forces you, the protein PLpro (Papain-like Protease) to produce. This contributes to the maturation and release of new virus particles, on the other, it suppresses the formation of type-1 interferons. These messenger substances are normally produced by infected body cells and attract killer immune system cells that kill the infected cells.

The researchers from Frankfurt, Munich, Mainz, Freiburg and Suffering have been tested in the laboratory an active ingredient called GRL 0617, can inhibit the Protein PLpro. Would prove itself of these substances, or similar Compounds in clinical testing, could be, possibly, a drug to develop that both the multiplication of the virus is slowing, as well as the immune response intensifies. The investigations have also confirmed that Sars-CoV 2 in the human body is a weaker Interferon response than other Corona – and influenza viruses.

The study is read on the website of the magazine “Nature” to.