On Tuesday, have been reported in Hesse, 63 new Corona infections. This is one of the every working day, against 14 clock released a new Corona-Bulletin of the Hessian Ministry of social Affairs, based on Figures from the Robert Koch Institute. On the day before it was 58. Cumulatively, over the past seven days 336 new cases in the state, this number corresponds approximately to the number of not yet Recovering. To pay the Trend of the past few days discreetly ascending Infection, and is accordingly confirmed.

Thus, have been confirmed in the state of Hesse, officially accumulated 11.806 Infected. The number of Corona’s victims was unchanged at 518, on Tuesday, no reported case of death was added. This number has not changed in the past weeks; she moves in a fairly narrow corridor.

For two circles of Zero

again How from the against 14 clock, new Corona-the Bulletin of the Hessian Ministry for social Affairs is obtained for circles Odenwald, Werra-Meißner and the city of Kassel with a view to the important Seven-day incidence of the Zero. The Seven-days-incidence results from the infections below 100,000 inhabitants within a week. The politically critical level is 50. You will be able to take back the authorities existing relaxations or restrict, as it was done as a result of the Corona outbreak in a big slaughterhouse of Tönnies.

From this brand, all of the 21 counties and five cities in the state of Hesse, however, are significantly removed. Offenbach comes with 17 on the next. Also, the Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis, Darmstadt, Germany, and the Schwalm-Eder-Kreis are two-digit values. In Frankfurt, only 38 people were reported within the past seven days, and in 1943 a total of. The incidence is 5.

With a view to Recovering is always, note the following: As the in this country to control the disease responsible RKI of the F. A. Z. said, it will collect data on the number of Recovering not officially. The survey was also not provided for in the law. “However, one can assume that at least in the cases where the most information has been determined, had no severe symptoms, and were not admitted to hospital, the fact that you are at the latest to recover after 14 days”, – is spoken in Berlin. The RKI guess the number of Recovering.