In the process, on the terrorist attack of Halle, has reported a witness of the incidents in which the defendant used to be his extreme right-wing setting known to have. So, today the 28-year-old man in the supermarket had two people yell at because they did not talk in English. Another Time I commented Stephan B. anti-Semitism, described the 31-year-old witness on Wednesday in the process before the higher regional court of Naumburg. According to information from the witness was in a relationship for years, with the half-sister of the accused, has a child with her and is thus associated closely with the family.

the judge asked the witness whether he was afraid of Stephan B., he replied, according to the “Central German newspaper”: “fear, but I’ve been holding him for a threat,”

The process has been running since Tuesday of last week. The court departed for the trial in the premises of the regional court of Magdeburg, because there is a larger hearing room is available. The Federal Prosecutor accuses B. 13 offences, including murder and attempted murder.

The defendant had stood to the start of the process, among other things, on the 9. To October 2019, heavily armed, trying to invade, in the synagogue hall, to murder there as many Jews as possible. In the house of God, 52 of believers, celebrated at the time, the highest Jewish holiday Yom Kippur. The defendant failed on the door of the synagogue and shot and killed a 40-year-old passer-by. Later, he shot and killed in a kebab takeaway, a 20-year-old guest.

The well-Known of the family of the accused told the court of regular joint to eat. This was attended by, besides the accused, the parents, who had, in spite of their divorce, a good relationship to each other. Mother and father had always worked a lot and were stressed, so the witness. However, this would have had for her two children, always time. The defendant had been a loner.