It is the hour of the Opposition. In fact, the Finance Committee has scheduled two and a half hours for the special meeting. The theme of the Wirecard scandal is so explosive that the interrogation of the two Ministers for Finance and economic Affairs, Olaf Scholz (SPD) Peter Altmaier (CDU), also under normal circumstances would have caused some of the vertebrae. But normal is nothing in this case. A Dax-listed company goes into bankruptcy, because the balance-sheet is artificially inflated. “Although there was evidence, the business-friendly,” criticized the FDP Finance politician Florian Toncar prior to the meeting with Scholz and Altmaier.

Manfred Schäfers

economic correspondent in Berlin.

F. A. Z.

Henning Peitsmeier

economic correspondent in Munich.

F. A. Z.

the Minister of Finance the studies, the Wirecard mountains large risks. The Hamburger is considered to be contenders for the candidacy for Chancellor of the SPD. As in government circles, said he wanted to raise in his opening statement, again, that you have to do it in the case, apparently, with massive criminal activity in the company. It should be clarified why the competent economic auditor for over ten years and until recently, Numbers and balance sheets of the company confirmed.

The financial Supervisory authority, Bafin had investigated the manipulation allegations in the context of the existing regulatory framework. You have determined in February 2019, against Managers of the company and the German financial reporting enforcement panel. Already last week he had presented a plan of action. But is that enough to survive the scandal with no major damage?

The SPD parliamentary group jumped Scholz in

The night before Scholz’s performance in the financial Committee is known, that the Bafin should have informed chief Felix Hufeld Deputy incorrectly. As the German magazine “der Spiegel” reported, have Hufeld reported in the previous meeting of the Committee, the authorities in Singapore had not answered an inquiry of his authority to Wirecard. But now the Bafin have admitted that information had been “provided”.

before the meeting, the Ministry of Finance sent a statement Hufelds to the Committee, the Chairman of Katja Hessel (FDP): so Far, you have learned from Singapore, only that the investigation was still ongoing and no result was available. “The content a result of investigations in Singapore that can benefit from the Bafin for its own investigations against the leaders of the Wirecard AG, is, therefore, still.” Bafin waiting still for a response to your request for assistance to the market manipulation allegations against the Wirecard AG.

The SPD parliamentary group jumped to the Minister prior to the survey. “Olaf Scholz has been at the forefront of education,” said the Parliamentary Secretary, Carsten Schneider. As the Federal Minister of Finance, he will enlighten what is enlighten. Was asked but also the Federal Minister for economic Affairs. “Also Altmaier, must face up to its responsibility,” said Schneider. The SPD had ensured that not only Scholz, the critical questions of the Opposition had to make, and also of the CDU-politician was invited to the meeting.