This reader comment made the other day really fun. For one, he demanded that Britain should outright professional attention with the title line “Ortlieb? Once and never again!“ In this ductal rude negative reviews on the Internet put like. Here, however, the song has now been on the resilience of the bike bags from the market leader Ortlieb sung. Tenor: The things will hold so long that the hard-working cyclists must not buy new, because mom said that the old one is still good.

Now, the Mar of the complete indestructibility of the waterproof Luggage bags this is but a fairy tale. It would be the bare truth is that bags, pouches and backpacks from Ortlieb are not easy to break, would entertain the in Heilsbronn in Central Franconia-based company is hardly at the company’s headquarters for nearly 40 years, and today, in the United States, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Switzerland, a private repair service. The will also be entrusted not bashful with the discrete scheme of complaints, but offensively with the Embassy presents: Even after the warranty period of five years the equipment can be given a second, third or fourth lease on life by Repairing and Modernizing.

It has actually taken some time until this Service could be practically tried out. And this happened not just in the best time: The season was already in full swing, the demand for this pandemic intensified. You can’t even sew as much, gluing, screwing and welding, as the clientele tear from the hands, can be just the Ortlieb sales hear. And market observers noted with a little Overview of that Ortlieb in times of broken supply chains by his consistent “Made in Germany” professional animals, in contrast to others in the Bicycle industry.

With three in a short distance successively broken previous bags everything has been done, as recommended by the website of Ortlieb. The dealer sent the bags and reported ten days later, The repaired things be back. Everything together cost around ten euros, and a franking credit voucher for the next sending, you have to get. For the customer, there were a couple of Zuckerle as a bonus, and a bill with something of a brainteaser: Why is only one of the three repairs free of charge? Warranty was replaced, in two cases, one screw at a time. Because of two back roller bags of the same screw had loosened and was lost, would you be able to tap on an incorrect operation exists.

it is not but the fact is, the movable strap screwed to be particularly smart so inclined, that remains to be seen how soon a screw loosens and disappears. To pay for the in not even four weeks after the purchase of worn-through bottom of the third bag, however, was. Apparently, the Transport of a E-Bike batteries falls, the was to blame, not under the category of intended use. Or the couple of euros for the clean with an internal welded-on patch sealed the hole are to be understood as a reminder to buy an “E-Mate”bag: The novelty of the name has a padded battery compartment, but costs the sum of twelve patches, that is to say around 120 euros. Speaking of new products: How often in the greatest of Innovators, but it is actually more of a Perfect, highly productive lines, announced the Ortlieb-advertising in 2020, “New Basket in Town”. In fact, had been, who wanted to hang a basket of market purchases, before the Handlebars to grab a soft, oval-shaped bag from Rixen and Kaul (“Klickfix”) will. The clicked not only fixed and fixed to your own Adapter with the red button, but just to Ortliebs holder.