President Donald Trump has threatened protesters in Portland in the West coast state of Oregon. “Anarchists, troublemakers or protesters”, which the Federal court building is destroyed in Portland, or any other Federal building or damaged, would be held accountable, wrote Trump on Twitter. You should expect a minimum of ten years in prison, wrote to Trump and added: “don’t Do it!”

the Portland protests against racism and police violence continue, since two months ago, the African-American George Floyd in Minneapolis in a brutal police operation were killed. Meanwhile, the Protest in Portland, is also directed against the use of heavily armed security forces of the Federal government, which has dispatched Trumps government against the declared will of the city to Portland. The government justified the use with the protection of a Federal court.

The U.S. government had announced at the weekend that a further escalation in the crackdown against the perpetrators of violence among the protesters. The “Washington Post” reported that the Federal officials should be strengthened, in place. The U.S. Marshals Service have already decided last week to send an additional 100 officers to Portland, the newspaper reported, citing an internal E-Mail of the authority of the Ministry of justice. Also, the Department of homeland security is considering to relocate 50 officials of the border guard, the newspaper reported, citing unnamed high-level government officials.