Germany will send in the coming week, a frigate of the EU naval operation to Monitor the UN arms embargo against Libya in the Mediterranean sea. According to information from the German press Agency on Board the “Hamburg” will be about 250 soldiers. You are expected to arrive in mid-August in the area of application.

the objectives of the Operation Irini are the stabilization of the North African civil war country, Libya, as well as the support of the UN-led political peace process. In addition to weapons smuggling, to prevent oil smuggling.

In Libya, there is the with Western assistance, were the overthrow of long-time ruler Muammar al-Gaddafi in the 2011 civil war. The government supported troops, largely from Turkey, their opponents from Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Russia. All Attempts to mediate in the conflict have so far been unsuccessful – including a Libya conference in Berlin in January.


For the EU to find a solution to the conflict is also important because of the chaotic conditions in the country conducive to the business of the Smugglers, the migrants illegally across the Mediterranean to Europe.

As countries suspected of infringing the UN arms embargo, the Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates and Russia. Turkey is accused of, among other things, of France, to deliver war material to the troops of the Libyan unity government. Turkey accused of, however, countries such as the United Arab Emirates, to support the opponents of the government General Khalifa Haftar with weapons deliveries.

Germany, France and Italy, had threatened countries, in violation of the for-Libya current UN arms embargo, the last of which even sanctions. The threat came about on the Initiative of France, after recently a French frigate by a Turkish warship prevented from had been to inspect a suspicious cargo ship.

According to the French view of the Turkish ship as a deterrent was even set up its fire control radar on the French frigate. Since such systems are generally used only to provide objective data for the use of weapons systems, this was seen by France as “extremely aggressive” and at the recent Nato defence Ministers ‘ meeting have been addressed.