From high-risk areas returning holidaymakers need to have in the future on the Coronavirus test. Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) announced on Monday the mandatory Tests. In many States, infection is rising numbers. In Europe, too. The fear of a second wave of Infection is increasing therefore. A few days ago, Spahn and the health Ministers of the länder had decided, holiday returnees from abroad on a voluntary Basis, free testing.

Tim Niendorf

policy editor.

F. A. Z.

What is a risk area?

the risk areas from the Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of health, the foreign office and the Federal Ministry of the interior determined. We have you summarized in a map. The current list can be found here.

As a risk area according to the current state in the rule States or regions in which there was in the past seven days, more than 50 Neuinfizierte per 100,000 inhabitants. However, this is only one criterion.

According to data from the RKI also States and regions as a risk area classified, if you exceed the said limit. Namely, if it is assumed that there is an increased infection risk. Especially on the Foreign office, it is here. It assessed, among others, local reports and observed the local test capacity and the measures taken against the Coronavirus.

For holiday returnees from high-risk areas, the following applies: you may be required after your arrival in Germany to a two-week quarantine. Anyone who is infected in a foreign country, must not hope for a return action of the Federal government. This was foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) a few weeks ago clearly.

What distinguishes a high-risk area of a travel warning?

A travel warning has been issued by the foreign office. You ban is not a tour, but an official warning. As long as you meet the entry requirements of the destination country, you may travel, in spite of the travel warning. Advisable to this is not. “Travel warnings are issued, if it must be assumed that each traveler faces a concrete risk to life and limb,” reads the website of the Federal foreign office.

According to the current state travel warning of the foreign office is available for all risk areas. The other way around however, there are travel warnings for countries that are not classified as a risk area. This includes, for example, Australia and new Zealand count.

Why the Foreign office travel warnings for countries that are not a risk area given?

From the foreign office, it is at the request of the F. A. Z.: “the key to low, stable, pandemic numbers, and comprehensive measures to contain the Virus, especially with regard to the tourism infrastructure; but also may still be existing limitations of public life, restrictions on admission and the reliability of the travel connections are taken into account.” It is conceivable that travel warnings for third countries before 31. August be lifted. This, however, only provided the conditions were met.

In some case, it might sound surprising that a lifting of the travel warning has not yet been completed. After all, new Zealand announced in June, to have no “active” Corona case. However, new Zealand only allows its own nationals and people with permanent residence permit in the country. A trip there now would be so not possible anyway.