More than a quarter of the population in Germany has a so-called migration background. As the Federal Statistical office announced on Tuesday in Wiesbaden, Germany, lived in the past year, 21.2 million people in Germany, who were born with foreign nationality, or of which at least one of the parents was not part of the birth of German nationality. The met 26 percent of the population.

In comparison to 2018, the number of people with a migrant background is around 400,000 risen. In the time comparison, since 2011, a Plus of 2.1 percent, the lowest percentage increase was.

In the year 2019 were good, 52 percent of the population with a migration background (11.1 million people) of German and 48% are foreigners (10.1 million people), as the Federal Agency announced. The vast majority of the foreign population with a migration background themselves immigrated (85 per cent). In the case of the Germans with a migration background, there were only 46 percent.

Turkey, Poland and the Russian Federation as the main countries of origin

Almost two-thirds (65 percent) of all persons with a migrant background are from another European country Immigrants and their descendants. This corresponds to 13.8 million people, 7.5 million of whom have roots in other EU member States. The 4.6 million from Asia, immigrants and their descendants make up 22 percent of persons with a migration background; among these, 3.2 million have a reference to the Middle East. Nearly a million people (five per cent) have roots in Africa. A further 0.6 million people (three per cent) are from North, Central and South America, and Australia, Immigrants and their descendants. The most important countries of origin are Turkey (13 percent) are, as before, followed by Poland (eleven percent) and the Russian Federation (seven per cent).