to take The Calls for a mandatory Coronavirus Test for the vacation to Germany in returning travellers. The Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) reiterated on Monday his call for mandatory Corona-Tests for holiday returnees from high-risk areas. At the same time, Bavaria is aimed at several highway crossings to Austria voluntary test stations as well as the main train stations in Munich and Nuremberg.

Mandatory Tests are necessary for returnees at airports, said Söder. The government must create the legal framework. Bayern get everything ready, and then immediately start, he said. In addition, the risk would have to be reviewed areas for a new regional – also in Europe.

on Friday, had spoken out in Söder for a test duty at airports. Similarly, CSU had expressed-country group leader Alexander Dobrindt and Bavarian health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU).

the Federal health Minister, Jens Spahn (CDU) had announced that a house be tested a Test-mandatory for people returning from holidays. In Germany the radio, he stressed, however, that the legal hurdles are high: “Yes, This is an intervention in the freedom to commit someone to the Test.” The current significant increase in the number of new infections Spahn led in the first line on the “travel activities”, and returnees from certain regions.

Chancellery Minister Helge Braun (CDU) was open for a Test-requirement for travellers returning. The previous testing of the returnees on a voluntary Basis, have boundaries, said brown on Monday in the RBB. Most of the time it will be “the caring people, who are also in the vacation anyway not very careful, the voluntary offerings,” he said. Those who “were more carefree,” don’t take the voluntary Test is true.

‘t worry about the second shaft by vacationers and Partying

to ensure that’s Why he think it is right for a “greater obligation” in the Corona-Tests for travel returnees. In the last few days have kehrer shown that “diffuse infection happen – here, travel-back, because a celebration is increasing significantly”. Do you take care of it. This small-scale infection control done very poorly.

FDP-Chef Christian Lindner, called for a Test-mandatory for returning holidaymakers, especially in the case of a holiday in high-risk areas. The costs to each of bearing the said Lindner in the ZDF: “Whoever goes out in a risk voluntarily, as a Tourist, then you must take in purchase that he paid for the Test.”