An employee in the cattle decomposition has distributed in may of 2020, according to a study by the Coronavirus in the case of Tönnies in Rheda-Wiedenbrück. In this case, the Virus was transferred to the research results of scientists of the Helmholtz centre for infection research (HZI), the University hospital of Hamburg-Eppendorf and the Leibnitz Institute for Experimental Virology (HPI) or more persons within a radius of more than eight meters, how the HZI announced on Thursday. The locations of the workers at work and the infection were chains on the basis of virus sequences analyzed.

In Disassembly, the air is cooled by circulation on 10 degrees. The Bonn-Hygiene-Professor Martin Exner was named the air circulation as a possible factor for the Virus to spread, after he had analysed the working conditions in the factory. Tönnies has installed new Filter systems, the Spread of the Virus bind to on the air.

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Exner had assumed in mid-June, also that the living situation of the workers could play a role. The researchers from Hamburg and Braunschweig stressed, however, that the housing situation of the factory workers have played during the examined period, no significant role.

“lights in Our study, SARS-CoV-2 infections in a work area in which various factors converge to enable a Transmission over relatively long distances. It is the important question of the conditions under which the transmission events over longer distances in other areas of life are possible now,“ said Melanie Brinkmann, Professor and Director of research at the HZI in Braunschweig.

conditions in the cutting operation, promoted the virus spread

Adam Grundhoff, co-author of the study, told the German press Agency with a view on the result: “So that a super-spreader for the outbreak in Tönnies is found.” Also had been proven that in the case of Tönnies found virus sequences have previously played in a plant of a Western meat-daughter in Dissen in lower Saxony also have a role, said the Professor. The results of the study have not yet been published in a scientific journal, but in advance to a so-called Preprint platform.