You can all talk nice, as long as the Load is running and the Fund is still true. The climate is looked at for a long time. But can a leader of the free world, hundreds of thousands of incarnate death of the victims and political and social Chaos to justify, if all goes down the drain? Chapter closed due to incompetence: when is it well-so far, that policy no longer responsible for the pandemic? When will you leave it to the pharmaceutical companies, or simply of nature, to the rules of the thing?

Joachim Müller-Jung

editor in the features section, responsible for the area of “nature and science”.

F. A. Z. Twitter

a quarter of A million of confirmed new infections on a single day, and since may is accelerating the worldwide spread daily more. The United States alone counted yesterday, with more than seventy thousand newly reported Covid-19-Positive in a single day almost exactly as many Infected as China as a whole since the outbreak of the pandemic. Florida was in the middle of the week, more Neuinfizierte than the whole of Europe. The way Science is disgraced superpower America before the world, not only makes you speechless. It is perceived in Europe as a Symptom of an oppressive powerlessness: With any country, there are more Connections than the United States, anywhere in Europe, research elites have found more in common and felt.

“The science is not allowed to us in our policy in the way”, was this week the most important sentence from the White house, in which the innocent pandemic Advisor Anthony Fauci, apparently, is only so in and out, because he must serve as a Fig leaf, and at the end as a scapegoat – a chaotic policy on the Disease. Reigns is not with a view to the global consequences, but according to a political Fund location: For Donald Trump, and his followers, the Virus is lethal to, to be able to ignore, but also not deadly enough to want it really to take it seriously.

Surrender is not natural. And yet, is now cultivated the Illusion of a herd immunity, even if not publicly declared – as it would be a reasonable and feasible way to make the Virus and the mass after overcoming an illness, the feeling of immunity, that is to say: Invulnerability, give. A to the downright perfidious Plan. People like Andrew Biggs of the house of representatives, but also Trumps trade consultant Peter Navarro scourges of the “ship doctrine” and want to appease only the President, of the close, with its Verharmlosungen the own ranks and re-elected wants to be. Branko Milanovic, a prominent American business author, has calculated that Even if not officially, one percent of Americans would be infected, but ten per cent, it would be likely to be infection, which protects against the further spread of the Virus, with more than a Million dead Americans. Even Mississippi’s Republican Governor Tate Reeves is disgusted: “We would advise our worst Infection still tripled, and the achievement of a whole year, every day, to have herd immunity to. This is not even close to a realistic scenario.“

The sense of security is eroding rapidly. Also, the industry, the Trump, and not just him being courted as allies, not has much more to offer than the promise that at the end of the vaccine, the matter ended. However, even it want to or not many people can build. Half of Americans would, according to surveys today not to vaccinate – this is also a result of the destructive pandemic policy. And the Rest, after days of long trials, with waning antibodies after they survived the disease, the round made the unpleasant What-if thoughts to make. What if the promised immunity fails?