In the pay-TV channel “13th Street” just left the series “the Deputy” to the end. She was here declared dead by critics even before it was started. Because it seemed to confirm all the prejudices of gender, anti-racism-savvy activists are quickly at Hand: old white man rides into town and asks for a Showdown, mothers get the children out of the street, the Evil, the last hour, Wild West when it is “used in Los Angeles”.

But after this, the series looked not even in the first episode. Because the Sheriff’s Bill Hollister, the Stephen Dorff plays, takes to the road with a force, the diversity leaves nothing to be desired: Black, White, Hispanics, women, men, and, finally, Deputy Brianna Bishop (Bex Taylor-Klaus), as a lesbian top COP her Coming out as Transgender.

This happened shortly after the mid-term of the series, which was discontinued after only one season with thirteen episodes. This is not only regrettable, because the “Deputy” ends with a huge Cliffhanger – Bill Hollister, is a rebellious anti-authority chief-with a social Conscience, and only by a coincidence the Item for one hundred days and got to apply officially to the electoral office.