for Decades, Hans-Jochen Vogel has influenced the SPD is a major player, as a mayor, Minister, Chancellor candidate, faction and party Chairman. On Sunday he died at the age of 94 in Munich, as his party announced. A cross-party bird was honoured commitment to justice and democracy. “His discipline and straight-forwardness, his sense of duty and his Christian view of human life have brought him, across party lines, with the greatest respect,” said Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

The SPD party Executive, praised the bird as a “big social-Democrats”. In a statement it said: “Hans-Jochen Vogel fought all his life for social democratic values, in a fair world and for a United Europe. He will be missed.“

the bird got in a fight “like hardly any for understanding and care, democracy and humanity,” wrote SPD-Head of Saskia esque on Twitter. Secretary-General Lars Klingbeil said bird had been a politician, “has shaped this country for decades and we owe all that much”.

the Federal President, Steinmeier paid tribute to the bird as a man with firm Convictions: “His Advocacy for the rule of law, coupled with his deep moral sense of what is right and wrong, will stay with me always in remembrance,” wrote Steinmeier bird’s widow, Liselotte. Bird’s political legacy to be: “to achieve Social justice, promote social cohesion and to strengthen our democratic polity.”

drove Him the concern for his party

For the SPD bird filled many high offices. He was mayor of Munich and West-Berlin, Federal Minister for construction and the judiciary, and was founded in 1983 as the successor of Herbert Wehner, Chairman of the SPD group, which was since the collapse of the social-liberal coalition in the previous year in Opposition. As a Chancellor candidate, he was defeated in 1983, the CDU incumbent, Helmut Kohl.

in 1987, took over the bird, then in addition to the party chairmanship of Willy Brandt. After the turn in the GDR, bird was the first Chairman of the United SPD. In 1991, he gave the party chairmanship and withdrew from politics. The last years he spent in a retirement pin in Munich. He suffered from Parkinson’s disease.

After retiring from active politics bird reported again and again public, even in his last years of life. Especially in the increasingly difficult position of his party to drive him in old age.

a year Ago, he turned along with eight other former SPD-Chairman with a call to the party base. “We are in very great concern to our party”, it said “The SPD is in a serious crisis, the existential consequences not only for the party, but also for our country can have.”