It should have been a proud anniversary. Instead, Thomas Rainer looks at his performance over the past 25 years by the Corona-crisis undone, as he says himself. In 1995, he founded, at that time just 26 years old and freshly graduated as a music teacher, his Agency Allegra in Mannheim, which he has expanded since then to become one of the leading concert and artist management agencies in the Region, with a focus on ancient music. Known to a wide audience, the Festival “are the monastery of sound in the monastery” in the Frankfurt Carmelite Museum, the waterfront and the series of the monastery concerts there. The private-initiated Old-music-series “little chamber music”, as well as, among other things, the chamber concerts of the Darmstadt arrived in Frankfurt two years ago.

Guido Holze

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

At the Academy of music in Frankfurt, Rainer has studied with the Baroque specialist Michael Schneider. From 1994 to 2004, he directed, in parallel to his self-employed activity in the press and events office of the College of music. For this reason Rainer is very well-connected. Large Events, such as the Baroque festivals of the music Academy in the hunting castle of Kranichstein, in the castle of Kronberg or the castle because the castle were in his hands.

“Completely broken”

Now only the Baroque festivals are not eliminated, but also all the other orders “completely broken”, as Rainer says. Many cultural associations be advised as an organizer in distress. The Job as managing Director of the Association “Little chamber music” it had been cancelled, the concert series is set. Would add the cancellation of sponsors. No more money, you could currently earn as an artist agent. This activity he will give up. He hadn’t found a new job as a commercial employee in the case of a Foundation, no longer could he feed his family currently, to Rainer open. The loss of revenue amounted to 90 percent.

If Rainer leads the series of the 1998 Frankfurt monastery concerts still continue, so it depends on his commitment to the artists, and the 60 subscribers. All Involved were very concerned, the cooperation with the Institute for the history of the city in the Carmelite monastery pleasing as always: “The power of courage.” A concert under the title of “comfort and Confidence” took place after the Lockdown already. The next of the Early Folk Band follows this Sunday.