The former SPD Chairman Hans-Jochen Vogel is dead. He died on Sunday morning at the age of 94 in Munich, as his wife, Liselotte Vogel of the German press Agency confirmed on request. Also, the SPD group in the Bundestag, announced bird’s death on Twitter.

With 34 years of 1926 was born in Göttingen professors-son of the Lord mayor of Munich, the youngest mayor of a German city. The 4444 official working days off premises at the Isar embossed bird stronger than subsequent stations. He helped to bring the Olympic games 1972 in Munich. Because of violent confrontations with the SPD-Left, the former representative of the party to the right threw in the towel and went to the Federal policy.

The career of Hans-Jochen Vogel was drawn to points of many of the glare, but also low: Bundesbau and Federal Minister of justice, were, for almost four months by the governing mayor in Berlin, the SPD party and parliamentary leader and candidate for Chancellor. But since he lost to Helmut Kohl (CDU).

In the SPD was the bird life, as a good Conscience with unshakable moral principles. Apart from the large topic of “social justice” to shoot a bird to old age but still another Problem: the imminent disintegration of Europe. As the UK’s exit from the EU was for the first time, said bird, is that 70 years of peace in Europe, only through the Overcoming of nationalism possible.


His Parkinson’s disease had made the bird only a few years before his death publicly until recently, he lived with his wife Liselotte in a senior residence in Munich. Here he was – the extent permitted by his health – from friends, journalists, and even party friends to visit. With them he discussed also about highly topical issues such as the refugee crisis or the dangers posed by right-wing currents. Anyone who wanted to reach the bird, the needed from today’s point of view, a lot of patience: Until his death, he scorned the mobile phone and Computer.

politicians Express grief

Shortly after his death, many politicians were saddened by the news. The SPD party chair Saskia esque wrote on Twitter: “Germany and the SPD have been thanks to Hans-Jochen Vogel a lot.” He had always fought for people. “We mourn and pay tribute to this great social Democrat.” The Deputy SPD Federal Chairman Hubertus Heil wrote: “Hans-Jochen Vogel was a Democrat, an outstanding statesman and a great social. He has served our democracy and our country is shaped. I bow in deep gratitude to a wonderful person.“ SPD-Secretary-General Lars Klingbeil wrote: “I am very sad. With Hans-Jochen Vogel, a very great man from us is gone.“ And further: “His almost weekly letters with thoughts were a real Highlight.”