Who says that it will take another 30 years? In the year 1990, when Liverpool FC was now the penultimate Time English Champions, thought, finally, no one, that the year 2020 would have to come to the “Reds” would win the title. The coach at that time was Sir Kenny Dalglish, one of the great heroes of this Association. “Jürgen has done a fantastic job,” said Dalglish about the new champion coach, ended the season this Sunday (17.00 on Sky) with the game in Newcastle.

Dalglish said no less than “the whole feeling of the club”. Captain Jordan Henderson said of the 53-Year-old: “I felt on the first day, when he came in here to the door, he changed everything.” Nothing against his previous Trainer, but all the successes of the past 14 months, championship, Champions League, club world Cup, Uefa Super Cup – would not be without Klopp conceivable. “We follow him. We have faith in him. He has brought us to this point.“

The recognition, the admiration for Klopp extends far beyond Liverpool’s city boundaries. The team is busy on all of the items with Stars, some of which are among the best footballers in the world. But it was Klopp who jumped in the past few days from all the Newspapers with his patented Winning smile on your face. He is the main character in this story. He is the reason for the success. His face paint in Liverpool on house walls. Because of him, football fans rejoice, even in London and Birmingham for Liverpool.