As I recently took the meritorious new collection of poems by the Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai from the Jewish publishing house in the Hand, I remembered the poem “Yehuda Amichaj” by Zbigniew Herbert again, reprinted in his volume “Rovigo”, 1995. It is a Band full of dedication poems and sad memories, sometimes it reads like a collection of farewell letters to friends. “Now I lie in the hospital and dying at the age of”, – stated in the “curriculum vitae” of the seventy-year-old who was at that time ill actually hard, and five years after the publication of the book is painfully died.

It starts with “On Henryk Elzenberg for the hundredth birthday”, to the beloved, the unfortunately little-known philosophical teacher Herberts: “about What will become of me, had I met You – my master, Henryk”; it’s verses for the underground fighters, a poem to the memory of captain Edward Herbert, one for the art historian Maria Rzepinska, a poem as a response to a view card of Adam Zagajewski, a poem of Czeslaw Milosz follow, when he was still living in California and to go with the Zbigniew Herbert is a precarious friendship Association, the lines of the “predetermined subject ,The friends'”. And in the middle of the poem, “In Yehuda Amichaj”.

dialogues of two displaced Poet

It specifies the Poet, the wasteful and dedications handle – Beloved by other Poets up to father Stalin (in Germany, apart from fashion, there are, to my knowledge, no poem, Helmut Kohl, and no Ode to Angela Merkel), and others, skimp, or only implicitly dealt with:”. . .“ (in the hope that the Mentioned reads poetry and likes). And finally, there are refined dedications, the record of certain phrases of other Poets, without mentioning the source.

Strangely, there is no careful history and systematics of the dedications, the underground mycelium of the personal and literary relationships, and a dedication policy. This includes, for example, Heidegger’s removal of the dedication for his teacher Edmund Husserl in the second edition of “being and time would belong also taken back at the dedication,”.