Frantic is played with the Empty. The media departments of sports federations around the world try, the big Nothing, to fill the Wait for the Olympic games in Tokyo, starting maybe in a year or never, with advertising messages. The device is sometimes unintentionally funny, as in the case of the German Olympic sports Confederation, the marketed under the keyword “Morelympia”, where not only less, but in fact is nothing at all: “More anticipation, more preparation, more Olympic.” Aha.

The PR Department of the International Olympic Committee but widespread on Thursday, 365 days prior to the scheduled start, on your @olympics channel in the case of Twitter, the six million Users to follow, a number of scenes from Leni cut Riefenstahl’s propaganda film of the games of the national socialists in Berlin in 1936. “Berlin witnessed the first torch relay before the Olympic flame was lit. We can’t wait for the next. #strong togerther.“

stronger Together, Riefenstahl images, the Nazi invention of the torch relay: a pure Historical amnesia? No. The desired interpretation supplied the IOC with an excuse, please-clad explanation of why the 30-second movie on Friday afternoon has been deleted. It was a mindfully curated, to discover not a Nazi salute, not a swastika, images of Jesse Owens and the German long jumper Luz Long stand cut. Their friendship, it had gone to “unity and solidarity”. Even the Nazi games mounted, the IOC so that it is his fiction of a Sportfests made of Teflon can propagate, the policy runs off.