Anton Bruckner, in the rural area grew up, the artist landed a late starter and only beyond the middle of life in his dream city of Vienna, Angela, was not a man of social Public. There is hardly any group of pictures on which he is to be seen, but the distinctive, carefully into the light set around the skull at different stages of the Vergrauens and Erkahlens; a Form and physiognomy, which opens more locks than and says little about what apocalyptic Tongebilde have been hatched this brain bowl. Those sculptors that shaped plaques since the years of his late fame, various busts and Relief, is not main to to the Music a lot more and thought of as a spatial plasticity and suspicious verdrossene Strict.

You can watch the film documentary “Anton Bruckner – The unrecognized genius” by Reiner E. Moritz, on Thursday officially in the cinemas, started, good, because it takes a whole series of this honor heads into the picture. Nevertheless, the direct “body work” to Bruckner, from the hardly ever a spontaneous emotion was handed down, is troublesome. There is a blank space, the address is to be brave and to fill the media for the first half of this biography of the Artist, nevertheless, hardly able to remain. That Bruckner’s life here in a straight line from the cradle to the grave is told, has its advantages, especially for the case that someone who knows very little about the composer. For people, however, who are with him already familiar, is such a didactic Rigor easily some effort.

But there are moments where you can finally stand out, where it finally goes into the cosmos of the symphonies, which are all presented so that you will be able to learn in spite of the necessarily short Dazzle their differences and surprisingly good. Here the Film gets its own consistent rhythm that no longer sticks to the hero, but of a sovereign distance to the image increases. The artist is a piece of path shifts and assigns his rights to the music, what is the sum of good in spite of the price, his darker side, erotic jamming and the forced detention of accuracy will only be striped discreet: But you entered a sound-Cosmology, the know much more to say and more forceful than a gelüpfter the corner of the Bed.